A passionate believer in equality, a fighter for those left behind. Jeremiah’s passion for people and community makes him a true leader for tomorrow.

Jeremiah is 30 years old, the youngest candidate for the Saint Lucia Labour Party. He was born in La Pointe, Mon Repos.

The eldest of his 10 siblings, he comes from very humble origins, having known poverty and all its hardships from the day he was born.

Being raised by a single mom, he understands and appreciates women power, and he is committed to true equality between men and women in Saint Lucia and to make our country a safe space for all girls and women.

After graduating college, his first job was on a coal farm for 20 dollars a day.

Jeremiah then made it to the Police Academy, and after graduating with honour, as the Best Recruit, in 2011, he became part of the Saint Lucia Police force, where he served for 10 years.

As a police officer, he began being a mentor for young people from marginalized backgrounds like his own during his childhood – and he began building communities.

Right now he’s in the process of completing his Bachelor degree in political science at the University of West Indies.

He is happily married and has two amazing sons.

Jeremiah always remembers where he came from, and this is what has kept him going, with full empathy for the humble and marginalized ones, and with a strong desire to make things better for all of them.
